VEM moves

Drives and motors for traffic

VEM has been developing and manufacturing railway machines for more than 100 years. With this solid wealth of experience, we are now able to meet the demanding needs of the international rail vehicle industry for powerful drive solutions. These include highly efficient asynchronous traction motors for electric or diesel-electric locomotives, multiple units, trams and work vehicles. This range of services is supplemented by main and auxiliary generators and their control systems. For environmentally friendly local public transport, VEM also has traction motors for hybrid and trolleybuses in its delivery program.


Renaissance of rail vehicles

The increasing traffic density in metropolitan areas and the associated transportation problems have helped trams and light rail systems achieve a renaissance. The rail vehicle industry today offers both modern high-floor and low-floor vehicles that leave little to be desired in terms of transport capacity, acceleration ability and, above all, travel comfort.


Contact person

Your direct contact with us!

Railway technology
Telefon: +49 351 208-1211


Brochures on traffic technology

VEM Solutions for transportation

VEM Solutions for transportation


VEMoDRIVE - Kompaktantriebe für den Bahneinsatz

VEMoDRIVE - Compact drives for railway application


Geregelte Hilfsantriebe für die Bahn

Regulated auxiliary drives for railways